Microsoft Customer Service Exam Syllabus

Customer Service PDF, MB-230 Dumps, MB-230 PDF, Customer Service VCE, MB-230 Questions PDF, Microsoft MB-230 VCE, Microsoft Customer Service Dumps, Microsoft Customer Service PDFUse this quick start guide to collect all the information about Microsoft Customer Service (MB-230) Certification exam. This study guide provides a list of objectives and resources that will help you prepare for items on the MB-230 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service Functional Consultant exam. The Sample Questions will help you identify the type and difficulty level of the questions and the Practice Exams will make you familiar with the format and environment of an exam. You should refer this guide carefully before attempting your actual Microsoft MCA Dynamics 365 - Customer Service Functional Consultant certification exam.

The Microsoft Customer Service certification is mainly targeted to those candidates who want to build their career in Microsoft Dynamics 365 domain. The Microsoft Certified - Dynamics 365 Customer Service Functional Consultant Associate exam verifies that the candidate possesses the fundamental knowledge and proven skills in the area of Microsoft MCA Dynamics 365 - Customer Service Functional Consultant.

Microsoft Customer Service Exam Summary:

Exam Name Microsoft Certified - Dynamics 365 Customer Service Functional Consultant Associate
Exam Code MB-230
Exam Price $165 (USD)
Duration 120 mins
Number of Questions 40-60
Passing Score 700 / 1000
Books / Training MB-230T01-A: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service
Schedule Exam Pearson VUE
Sample Questions Microsoft Customer Service Sample Questions
Practice Exam Microsoft MB-230 Certification Practice Exam

Microsoft MB-230 Exam Syllabus Topics:

Topic Details

Manage cases, Knowledge Management, and feedback (40-45%)

Create and manage cases - Create and manage cases, including using Copilot to assist with management
- Perform case resolution, including managing case resolution activities
- Manage related cases, including parent/child cases and merging cases
Define and Configure foundational Customer Service components - Implement advanced similarity rules
- Implement record creation and update rules
- Configure and modify the Case Resolution dialogue
- Configure business process flows
- Configure and manage security roles and personas
- Configure enhanced case forms and views
- Configure the records displayed in the case timeline
- Configure connectors with the timeline
- Configure the timeline and cards on custom forms
- Enable AI suggestions for similar cases
Create and administer Knowledge Management - Configure internal Knowledge Search capabilities
- Configure tables for knowledge management
- Translate Knowledge articles
- Integrate and search external Knowledge sources
- Enable AI-suggested descriptions and keywords
Capture customer feedback by using Customer Voice - Trigger distribution of a survey
- Personalize a survey
- Populate survey results against cases and conversations
Manage collaboration - Configure Microsoft Teams chat
- Configure Join a Teams call for specific users
- Configure suggested contacts in Microsoft Teams, including by using AI and rules-based suggestions
- Configure Teams collaboration experience
Manage Copilot features - Plan and configure Copilot in Customer Service for agents
- Enable Ask a Question in Copilot in Customer Service, including filtering content
- Configure case and conversation summaries in Copilot in Customer Service
Create and manage SLAs for cases - Configure SLA settings
- Implement actions by using Power Automate
- Apply SLAs
- Create and manage SLA items including key performance indicators (KPIs), warning actions, success actions, and applicability
- Configure a timer control on a form
- Create SLA KPIs

Implement scheduling and routing (10-15%)

Configure service scheduling - Configure resource categories and characteristics
- Define services
- Configure fulfillment preferences
Configure routing - Configure work classification and assignments, including rules
- Configure Routing Rulesets
- Configure skills-based routing and Skills Finder
- Configure queues
- Implement Basic Case Routing rules

Implement Dynamics 365 Contact Center (20-25%)

Deploy Contact Center - Configure workstreams
- Configure user settings
- Manage capacity profiles
Manage channels - Configure a chat widget
- Configure proactive chat
- Configure the voice channel for Azure Communication Services
- Configure the chat channel
- Configure the record-based channel
- Configure digital channels
Configure agent productivity features - Configure agent scripts, including slugs
- Create macros
- Enable Smart Assist
Configure agent workspaces - Configure notification templates
- Configure session templates
- Create agent experience profiles
- Configure the Agent Inbox, including creating custom views
- Configure application tab templates

Extend Customer Service by using Microsoft Power Platform (15-20%)

Configure model-driven apps for Customer Service - Create and configure forms
- Create and configure views
- Configure model-driven app components
- Create and configure columns
- Configure alerts and in-app notifications
Create custom apps for Customer Service - Create task-specific canvas apps and custom pages
- Configure Microsoft Power Pages websites by using the Customer self-Service template
Implement Copilot Studio agents for Customer Service scenarios - Integrate agents with Customer Service
- Create and manage agents, including agents for chat and voice
- Implement a Copilot Studio agent as a post-call survey

To ensure success in Microsoft MCA Dynamics 365 - Customer Service Functional Consultant certification exam, we recommend authorized training course, practice test and hands-on experience to prepare for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service Functional Consultant (MB-230) exam.

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