Python Institute Professional Python Programmer Level 1 (PCPP-32-101) Exam Syllabus

Professional Python Programmer Level 1 PDF, PCPP1 Dumps, PCPP1 PDF, Professional Python Programmer Level 1 VCE, PCPP1 Questions PDF, Python Institute PCPP1 VCE, Python Institute PCPP-32-101 Dumps, Python Institute PCPP-32-101 PDFUse this quick start guide to collect all the information about Python Institute Professional Python Programmer Level 1 (PCPP1) Certification exam. This study guide provides a list of objectives and resources that will help you prepare for items on the PCPP1 Python Institute Certified Professional Python Programmer Level 1 exam. The Sample Questions will help you identify the type and difficulty level of the questions and the Practice Exams will make you familiar with the format and environment of an exam. You should refer this guide carefully before attempting your actual Python Institute PCPP-32-101 certification exam.

The Python Institute Professional Python Programmer Level 1 certification is mainly targeted to those candidates who want to build their career in General-Purpose Programming domain. The Python Institute Certified Professional Python Programmer Level 1 (PCPP1) exam verifies that the candidate possesses the fundamental knowledge and proven skills in the area of Python Institute PCPP-32-101.

Python Institute Professional Python Programmer Level 1 Exam Summary:

Exam Name Python Institute Certified Professional Python Programmer Level 1 (PCPP1)
Exam Code PCPP1
Exam Price $295 (USD)
Duration 65 mins
Number of Questions 45
Passing Score 70%
Books / Training Python Advanced 1 (Advanced OOP)
Python Advanced 2 (Best Practices and Standardization)
Python Advanced 3 (GUI Programming)
Python Advanced 4 (Network Programming)
Python Advanced 5 (File Processing and Communicating with a Program's Environment)
Schedule Exam Pearson VUE
Sample Questions Python Institute Professional Python Programmer Level 1 Sample Questions
Practice Exam Python Institute PCPP1 Certification Practice Exam

Python Institute PCPP1 Exam Syllabus Topics:

Topic Details Weights
Advanced Object-Oriented Programming - Understand and explain the basic terms and programming concepts used in the OOP paradigm
  • essential terminology: class, instance, object, attribute, method, type, instance and class variables, superclasses and subclasses
  • reflexion: isinstance(), issubclass()
  • the __init__() method
  • creating classes, methods, and class and instance variables; calling methods; accessing class and instance variables

- Perform Python core syntax operations

  • Python core syntax expressions – magic methods: comparison methods (e.g. __eq__(self, other)), numeric methods (e.g. __abs__(self)), type conversion methods (e.g. __init__(self)), object intro- and retrospection (e.g. __str__(self), __instancecheck__(self, object)), object attribute access (e.g. __getattr__(self, attribute)), accessing containers (e.g. __getitem__(self, key))
  • operating with special methods
  • extending class implementations to support additional core syntax operations

- Understand and use the concepts of inheritance, polymorphism, and composition

  • class hierarchies
  • single vs. multiple inheritance
  • Method Resolution Order (MRO)
  • duck typing
  • inheritance vs. composition
  • modelling real-life problems using the "is a" and "has a" relations

- Understand the concept of extended function argument syntax and demonstrate proficiency in using decorators

  • special identifiers: *args, **kwargs
  • forwarding arguments to other functions
  • function parameter handling
  • closures
  • function and class decorators
  • decorating functions with classes
  • creating decorators and operating with them: implementing decorator patterns, decorator arguments, wrappers
  • decorator stacking
  • syntactic sugar
  • special methods: __call__, __init__

- Design, build, and use Python static and class methods

  • implementing class and static methods
  • class vs. static methods
  • the cls parameter
  • the @classmethod and @staticmethod decorators
  • class methods: accessing and modifying the state/methods of a class, creating objects

- Understand and use Python abstract classes and methods

  • abstract classes and abstract methods: defining, creating, and implementing abstract classes and abstract methods
  • overriding abstract methods
  • implementing a multiple inheritance from abstract classes
  • delivering multiple child classes

- Understand and use the concept of attribute encapsulation

  • definition, meaning, usage
  • operating with the getter, setter, and deleter methods

- Understand and apply the concept of subclassing built-in classes

  • inheriting properties from built-in classes
  • using the concept of subclassing the built-ins to extend class features and modify class methods and attributes

- Demonstrate proficiency in the advanced techniques for creating and serving exceptions

  • exceptions as objects, named attributes of exception objects, basic terms and concepts
  • chained exceptions, the __context__ and __cause__ attributes, implicitly and explicitly chained exceptions
  • analyzing exception traceback objects, the __traceback__ attribute
  • operating with different kinds of exceptions

- Demonstrate proficiency in performing shallow and deep copy operations

  • shallow and deep copies of objects
  • object: label vs. identity vs. value
  • the id() function and the is operand
  • operating with the copy() and deepcopy() methods

- Understand and perform (de)serialization of Python objects

  • object persistence, serialization and deserialization: meaning, purpose, usage
  • serializing objects as a single byte stream: the pickle module, pickling various data types
  • the dumps() and loads functions
  • serializing objects by implementing a serialization dictionary: the shelve module, file modes, creating shelve objects

- Understand and explain the concept of metaprogramming

  • metaclasses: meaning, purpose, usage
  • the type metaclass and the type() function
  • special attributes: __name__, __class__, __bases__, __dict__
  • operating with metaclasses, class variables, and class methods
Coding Conventions, Best Practices, and Standardization - Understand and explain the concept of Python Enhancement Proposals and Python philosophy
  • the PEP concept and selected PEPs: PEP 1, PEP 8, PEP 20, PEP 257
  • PEP 1: different types of PEPs, formats, purpose, guidelines
  • PEP 20: Python philosophy, its guiding principles, and design; the import this instruction and PEP 20 aphorisms

- Employ the PEP 8 guidelines, coding conventions, and best practices

  • PEP 8 compliant checkers
  • recommendations for code layout: indentation, continuation lines, maximum line length, line breaks, blank lines (vertical whitespaces)
  • default encodings
  • module imports
  • recommendations for string quotes, whitespace, and trailing commas: single-quoted vs. double-quoted strings, whitespace in expressions and statements, whitespace and trailing commas
  • recommendations for using comments: block comments, inline comments
  • documentation strings
  • naming conventions: naming styles, recommendations
  • programming recommendations

- Employ the PEP 257 guidelines, conventions, and best practices

  • docstrings: rationale, usage
  • comments vs. docstrings
  • PEP 484 and type hints
  • creating, using, and accessing docstrings
  • one-line vs. multi-line docstrings
  • documentation standards, linters, fixers
GUI Programming - Understand and explain the basic concepts and terminology related to GUI programming
  • GUI: meaning, rationale, basic terms and definitions
  • visual programming: examples, basic features
  • widgets/controls – basic terms: windows, title and title bars, buttons, icons, labels, etc.
  • classical vs. event-driven programming
  • events – basic terms
  • widget toolkits/GUI toolkits

- Use GUI toolkits, basic blocks, and conventions to design and build simple GUI applications

  • importing tkinter components
  • creating an application's main window: the Tk(), mainloop(), and title methods
  • adding widgets to the window: buttons, labels, frames, the place() method, widget constructors, location, screen coordinates, size, etc.
  • launching the event controller: event handlers, defining and using callbacks, the destroy() method, dialog boxes
  • shaping the main window and interacting with the user
  • checking the validity of user input and handling errors
  • working with Canvas and its methods
  • using the Entry, Radiobutton, and Button widgets
  • managing widgets with the grid and place managers
  • binding events using the bind() method

- Demonstrate proficiency in using widgets and handling events

  • settling widgets in the window's interior, geometry managers
  • coloring widgets, color modes: RGB, HEX
  • event handling: writing event handlers and assigning them to widgets
  • event-driven programming: implementing interfaces using events and callbacks
  • widget properties and methods
  • variables: observable variables and adding observers to variables
  • using selected clickable and non-clickable widgets
  • identifying and servicing GUI events
Network Programming - Understand and explain the basic concepts of network programming
  • REST
  • network sockets
  • Domains, addresses, ports, protocols, and services
  • Network communication: connection-oriented vs. connectionless communication, clients and servers

- Demonstrate proficiency in working with sockets in Python

  • the socket module: importing and creating sockets
  • connecting sockets to HTTP servers, closing connections with servers
  • sending requests to servers, the send() method
  • receiving responses from servers, the recv() method
  • exception handling mechanisms and exception types

- Employ data transfer mechanisms for network communication

  • JSON: syntax, structure, data types (numbers, strings, Boolean values, null), compound data (arrays and objects), sample JSON documents and their anatomies
  • the json module: serialization and deserialization, serializing Python data/deserializing JSON (the dumps() and loads methods), serializng and deserializing Python objects
  • XML: syntax, structure, sample xml documents and their anatomies, DTD, XML as a tree
  • processing xml files

- Design, develop, and improve a simple REST client

  • the request module
  • designing, building, and using testing environments
  • HTTP methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
  • CRUD
  • adding and updating data
  • fetching and removing data from servers
  • analyzing the server's response
  • response status codes
File Processing and Communicating with a Program's Environment - Demonstrate proficiency in database programming in Python
  • the sqlite module
  • creating and closing database connection using the connect and close methods
  • creating tables
  • inserting, reading, updating, and deleting data
  • transaction demarcation
  • cursor methods: execute, executemany, fetchone, fetchall
  • creating basic SQL statements (SELECT, INSERT INTO, UPDATE, DELETE, etc.)

- Demonstrate proficiency in processing different file formats in Python

  • parsing XML documents
  • searching data in XML documents using the find and findall methods
  • building XML documents using the Element class and the SubElement function
  • reading and writing CSV data using functions and classes: reader, writer, DictReader, DictWriter
  • logging events in applications
  • working with different levels of logging
  • using LogRecord attributes to create log formats
  • creating custom handlers and formatters
  • parsing and creating configuration files using the ConfigParser object
  • interpolating values in .ini files

To ensure success in Python Institute PCPP-32-101 certification exam, we recommend authorized training course, practice test and hands-on experience to prepare for Python Institute Certified Professional Python Programmer Level 1 (PCPP1) exam.

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