Python Institute Entry-Level Python Programmer (PCEP) Certification Sample Questions

Entry-Level Python Programmer Dumps, PCEP Dumps, PCEP PDF, Entry-Level Python Programmer VCE, Python Institute PCEP VCEThe purpose of this Sample Question Set is to provide you with information about the Python Institute Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer exam. These sample questions will make you very familiar with both the type and the difficulty level of the questions on the PCEP certification test. To get familiar with real exam environment, we suggest you try our Sample Python Institute Entry-Level Python Programmer Certification Practice Exam. This sample practice exam gives you the feeling of reality and is a clue to the questions asked in the actual Python Institute Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer (PCEP) certification exam.

These sample questions are simple and basic questions that represent likeness to the real Python Institute PCEP exam questions. To assess your readiness and performance with real time scenario based questions, we suggest you prepare with our Premium Python Institute Entry-Level Python Programmer Certification Practice Exam. When you solve real time scenario based questions practically, you come across many difficulties that give you an opportunity to improve.

Python Institute PCEP Sample Questions:

01. Which of the following is incorrect for a dictionary in Python?
a) each key must be unique
b) the key should be an immutable object
c) the len() function returns the sum of key-value elements in the dictionary
d) the len() function returns the numbers of key-value elements in the dictionary
02. Python name comes from which of the following?
a) Python Café
b) Python Forest
c) Python snake
d) Monty Python’s Flying Circus
03. What does the method items() returns in Python Dictionary?
a) The method items() returns the lists
b) The method items() returns the tuples
c) The method items() returns the keys in a list
d) The method items() returns the values in a list
04. A complete set of commands is known as:
a) Instruction list
b) Code laws
c) Command-line
d) Command list
05. Which of the following are correct statements?
a) True + 1 evaluates to 2
b) True and False evaluates to False
c) True or False evaluates to False
d) 7+ False evaluates to False
06. Octal has the following base:
a) 2
b) 8
c) 10
d) 16
07. If a list passed into function’s argument and modified inside the function:
a) Will affect the argument
b) Will not affect the argument
c) Will give an error
d) Will become global by default
08. An integer number preceded by an 0x (Zero-x) will be treated as:
a) Octal
b) Binary
c) Hexadecimal
d) Decimal
09. Who created Python?
a) Guido ban Rossum
b) Guido van Rossum
c) Guido the Russian
d) Guodo van Rossum
10. The meaning of positional parameter is determined by:
a) Position
b) Name
c) Style
d) None


Question: 01
Answer: c
Question: 02
Answer: d
Question: 03
Answer: b
Question: 04
Answer: a
Question: 05
Answer: a, b
Question: 06
Answer: b
Question: 07
Answer: a
Question: 08
Answer: c
Question: 09
Answer: b
Question: 10
Answer: a

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