Other Certification

Testimonials... (Write a Testimonial!)

  • Took 5 months...
    - Read All-in-one CEH v8 2d edition TWICE
    - Read All-in-one CEH v9 3d edition TWICE
    - Took 109 pages/39,000 words of notes
    - Used 3 online sources to include this one
    - Overkill...sure...passed? F*ck yeah!

    May 4 2019 - 17:29
  • Introduction to Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Centralized and Decentralized System Recovery were my weaknesses so i opted for 312-76 mock tests that helped me in clearing the troubles that i was facing and finally got on with the EDRP certificate exam.

    May 1 2019 - 10:04
  • Very good, I got 92%. Every questions on the test is on this real test. Passed on the first time.

    Nov 30 2018 - 20:30