IBM Cloud Professional Architect Exam Syllabus

Cloud Professional Architect PDF, C1000-172 Dumps, C1000-172 PDF, Cloud Professional Architect VCE, C1000-172 Questions PDF, IBM C1000-172 VCE, IBM Cloud Professional Architect Dumps, IBM Cloud Professional Architect PDFUse this quick start guide to collect all the information about IBM Cloud Professional Architect (C1000-172) Certification exam. This study guide provides a list of objectives and resources that will help you prepare for items on the C1000-172 IBM Cloud Professional Architect v6 exam. The Sample Questions will help you identify the type and difficulty level of the questions and the Practice Exams will make you familiar with the format and environment of an exam. You should refer this guide carefully before attempting your actual IBM Cloud Professional Architect certification exam.

The IBM Cloud Professional Architect certification is mainly targeted to those candidates who want to build their career in IBM Cloud domain. The IBM Certified Professional Architect - Cloud v6 exam verifies that the candidate possesses the fundamental knowledge and proven skills in the area of IBM Cloud Professional Architect.

IBM Cloud Professional Architect Exam Summary:

Exam Name IBM Certified Professional Architect - Cloud v6
Exam Code C1000-172
Exam Price $200 (USD)
Duration 90 mins
Number of Questions 64
Passing Score 60%
Books / Training IBM Cloud Professional Architect
Schedule Exam Pearson VUE
Sample Questions IBM Cloud Professional Architect Sample Questions
Practice Exam IBM C1000-172 Certification Practice Exam

IBM C1000-172 Exam Syllabus Topics:

Topic Details Weights
Compute Options - Identify the functionality of VPC on IBM Cloud using detailed feature use cases
- Identify architectural considerations and features for IBM Cloud container platform offerings
- Identify options for persistent storage in Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud
- Identify the key capabilities and features of IBM Power Systems Virtual Servers using detailed feature use cases
- Identify the capabilities of each storage tier for Power Systems Virtual Server storage
- Identify the architectural considerations and features for IBM Cloud for VMware Solution
- Identify the architectural considerations and features for IBM Cloud Code Engine
Designing Cloud Solutions - Describe the three IBM Cloud service models
- Examine Automation for the application platform using IBM Cloud Schematics
- Identify Watson AI Services to add AI capabilities to IBM Cloud Solutions
- Compare services used to connect apps in Cloud Application Integration Architecture in IBM Cloud Solutions
- Identify IBM Cloud applications that integrate with Event Driven Architecture
Data Analytics and Data Management - Identify the capabilities and features of IBM Analytics Engine on IBM Cloud using detailed feature use cases
- Identify features and capabilities of database services on IBM Cloud
IBM Cloud Storage Options - Define the options and capabilities of classic File Storage on IBM Cloud
- Define the options and capabilities for Block Storage for VPC
- Define the options and capabilities for Object Storage on IBM Cloud
IBM Cloud Networking Options - Explain Direct Link deployment considerations
- Explain establishing hybrid cloud integration and connectivity using IBM Secure Gateway
- Explain cloud-native application network requirements for containers
- Explain Virtual Private Cloud connectivity options on IBM Cloud using detailed feature use cases
- Identify the features and architecture of VPN gateways using detailed feature use cases
- Define the capabilities of IBM's Cloud Internet Services (CIS) using detailed feature use cases
- Explain global load balancing and how it optimizes website and application performance
Security - Identify key architecture concepts related to cloud security and security features of IBM Cloud Security
- Identify the architectural structure and uses of IBM Key Protect
- Identify the architectural structure and uses of Hyper Protect Crypto Services
IBM Cloud Resiliency Features - Identify availability benefits of deploying an application in multizone regions (MZR)
- Identify Disaster Recovery concepts and resilient solutions on classic, VPC, OpenShift platforms
Observability Capabilities - Identify the monitoring and alerting capabilities in IBM Cloud Monitoring using detailed feature use cases
- Identify the features of IBM Log Analysis using detailed feature use cases
- Identify the features for IBM Cloud flow logs for VPC using detailed feature use cases

To ensure success in IBM Cloud Professional Architect certification exam, we recommend authorized training course, practice test and hands-on experience to prepare for IBM Cloud Professional Architect v6 (C1000-172) exam.

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