GIAC GICSP Certification Sample Questions

GICSP Dumps, GICSP PDF, GICSP VCE, GIAC Global Industrial Cyber Security Professional VCE, GIAC GICSP PDFThe purpose of this Sample Question Set is to provide you with information about the GIAC Global Industrial Cyber Security Professional (GICSP) exam. These sample questions will make you very familiar with both the type and the difficulty level of the questions on the GICSP certification test. To get familiar with real exam environment, we suggest you try our Sample GIAC GICSP Certification Practice Exam. This sample practice exam gives you the feeling of reality and is a clue to the questions asked in the actual Global Industrial Cyber Security Professional (GICSP) certification exam.

These sample questions are simple and basic questions that represent likeness to the real GIAC Global Industrial Cyber Security Professional exam questions. To assess your readiness and performance with real-time scenario based questions, we suggest you prepare with our Premium GIAC GICSP Certification Practice Exam. When you solve real time scenario based questions practically, you come across many difficulties that give you an opportunity to improve.

GIAC GICSP Sample Questions:

01. Which level in the Purdue Reference Architecture is typically responsible for business planning and logistics?
a) Level 1
b) Level 2
c) Level 3
d) Level 4
02. As part of securing the ICS architecture, you need to isolate the control systems from external threats while maintaining data exchange between the business network and ICS network. Which of the following actions should you take?
(Select all that apply)
a) Implement VLANs to separate network traffic
b) Create a DMZ to isolate the control network
c) Allow unrestricted access between the business and ICS networks
d) Apply strict firewall rules between the networks
03. What is the purpose of a safety instrumented system (SIS) in an ICS environment?
a) To enhance cybersecurity by filtering network traffic
b) To shut down processes when unsafe conditions are detected
c) To optimize data throughput for real-time analytics
d) To allow remote control of field devices
04. During the design of an ICS network, you are tasked with implementing network segmentation between the corporate IT network and the control network.
Which of the following configurations would you recommend to achieve this?
(Select all that apply)
a) Implement a firewall between the corporate and control networks
b) Allow all traffic from the IT network to the control network
c) Create a DMZ between the control and IT networks
d) Disable encryption for faster data flow
05. Which of the following is a commonly used framework for understanding cyber threats in an ICS environment?
c) ISO 27001
06. You have been tasked with securing an ICS endpoint running Windows. Which of the following hardening steps should you perform?
(Select all that apply)
a) Allow open access to shared drives
b) Disable default administrative accounts
c) Enable automatic updates and apply the latest patches
d) Install and configure host-based intrusion detection systems (HIDS)
07. How can logging be utilized to enhance endpoint protection in an ICS environment?
a) By reducing system resource usage
b) By providing a record of events for monitoring and auditing
c) By increasing processing power for critical applications
d) By automatically resolving security incidents
08. You are tasked with securing an ICS environment where physical access to key components is a concern. Which of the following physical security measures would you implement to enhance security?
(Select all that apply)
a) Disable two-factor authentication for ease of use
b) Use strong encryption to secure data in transit
c) Install surveillance cameras at entry points
d) Implement keycard access control for control rooms
09. Which of the following is a common risk associated with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication in ICS environments?
a) High power consumption
b) Lack of support for encryption
c) Vulnerability to replay attacks
d) Limited range for communication
10. In your role as a cybersecurity professional, you need to enhance the security of a new ICS deployment. Which of the following best practices should you implement to secure both the physical and digital aspects of the system?
(Select all that apply)
a) Use encryption to protect data between devices
b) Implement strict access controls for control rooms
c) Disable regular system updates for stability
d) Regularly audit and update cybersecurity policies


Question: 01
Answer: d
Question: 02
Answer: a, b, d
Question: 03
Answer: b
Question: 04
Answer: a, c
Question: 05
Answer: a
Question: 06
Answer: b, c, d
Question: 07
Answer: b
Question: 08
Answer: c, d
Question: 09
Answer: c
Question: 10
Answer: a, b, d

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