GIAC Assessing and Auditing Wireless Networks (GAWN) Exam Syllabus

GAWN PDF, GAWN Dumps, GAWN VCE, GIAC Assessing and Auditing Wireless Networks Questions PDF, GIAC Assessing and Auditing Wireless Networks VCE, GIAC GAWN Dumps, GIAC GAWN PDFUse this quick start guide to collect all the information about GIAC GAWN Certification exam. This study guide provides a list of objectives and resources that will help you prepare for items on the GIAC Assessing and Auditing Wireless Networks (GAWN) exam. The Sample Questions will help you identify the type and difficulty level of the questions and the Practice Exams will make you familiar with the format and environment of an exam. You should refer this guide carefully before attempting your actual GIAC Assessing and Auditing Wireless Networks (GAWN) certification exam.

The GIAC GAWN certification is mainly targeted to those candidates who want to build their career in Offensive Operations domain. The GIAC Assessing and Auditing Wireless Networks (GAWN) exam verifies that the candidate possesses the fundamental knowledge and proven skills in the area of GIAC GAWN.

GIAC GAWN Exam Summary:

Exam Name GIAC Assessing and Auditing Wireless Networks (GAWN)
Exam Code GAWN
Exam Price $999 (USD)
Duration 120 mins
Number of Questions 75
Passing Score 70%
Books / Training SEC617: Wireless Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking
Schedule Exam GIAC
Sample Questions GIAC GAWN Sample Questions
Practice Exam GIAC GAWN Certification Practice Exam

GIAC GAWN Exam Syllabus Topics:

Topic Details
802.11 Fuzzing Attacks - The candidate will be able to perform basic fuzzing attacks.
Attacking Weak Encryption - The candidate will be familiar with weak encryption methods including WEP and how to attack and secure them.
Bluetooth Attacks - The candidate will be familiar with the structure, uses and weaknesses of Bluetooth.
Bluetooth Low Energy Attacks - The candidate will demonstrate understanding of how changes to Bluetooth Low Energy affect security, and methods to test, inspect, and audit Bluetooth Low Energy data in transit.
Bridging the Air Gap - The candidate will be able to use a compromised wireless system to further compromise a wired network.
DoS on Wireless Networks - The candidate will be able to perform and defend against common DoS attacks.
High-Frequency RFID Attacks - The candidate will demonstrate understanding of RFID tracking techniques, and how to exploit mid to long-range RFID applications.
Hotspots - The candidate will be familiar with the identification and auditing of hotspots.
Low-Frequency RFID Attacks - The candidate will demonstrate understanding of short-range, Low Frequency (LF) RFID attacks, including impersonation and cloning of Low-Frequency RFID tags.
NFC - The candidate will demonstrate understanding of Near Field Communications (NFC) and how it uses consistent data protocols to exchange data bidirectionally for uses in payment systems, and generic data transfers.
Practical SDR Attacks - The candidate will be familiar with the common implementations of wireless protocols and how SDR projects can identify failures in the overall implementation of those protocols.
Rogue Networks - The candidate will understand how to identify and protect against rogue networks.
Sniffing Wireless - The candidate will be capable of capturing wireless traffic.
Wireless Basics - The candidate will be familiar with common wireless threats as well as current wireless network standards.
Wireless Client Attacks - The candidate will demonstrate understanding of wireless client vulnerabilities, including hotspot injection, weaknesses in wireless client segmentation or public secure packet forwarding, and the preferred network list on client systems.
WPA Variants - The candidate will be familiar with WPA Variants including how to attack and secure it.
Zigbee - The candidate will be familiar with Zigbee including how to attack and secure it.

To ensure success in GIAC GAWN certification exam, we recommend authorized training course, practice test and hands-on experience to prepare for GIAC Assessing and Auditing Wireless Networks (GAWN) exam.

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