With the purchase of premium Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals (CRM) certification practice exam, you will get 2 months unlimited attempt practice access with 100% Money Back Guarantee.
Immediately after successful payment, you will get access to the following premium practice exams (Full & Mini).
MB-910: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals (CRM) - Full
- Questions: 50
- Duration: 65 minutes
MB-910: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals (CRM) - Mini
- Questions: 25
- Duration: 32 minutes
Both Full and Mini practice exams populate questions randomly from the premium Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals (CRM) (MB-910) question bank which contains more than 595 questions. These exams are designed for your convenience, you can practice with any one of them based on the availability of your time.
To achieve the best score in your actual Microsoft Certified - Dynamics 365 Fundamentals (CRM), we strongly recommend you to clear your concepts and doubts from practice exam question answer and practice as much as you can. It will help you identify your areas of strength and weakness in related syllabus topics and improve your ability to answer tweaked questions in the actual Microsoft CRM exam.