Dell Technologies XtremIO Maintenance (D-XTR-MN-A-24) Certification Sample Questions

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These sample questions are simple and basic questions that represent likeness to the real Dell Technologies D-XTR-MN-A-24 exam questions. To assess your readiness and performance with real time scenario based questions, we suggest you prepare with our Premium Dell Technologies XtremIO Maintenance Certification Practice Exam. When you solve real time scenario based questions practically, you come across many difficulties that give you an opportunity to improve.

Dell Technologies D-XTR-MN-A-24 Sample Questions:

01. What best practice should be followed when conducting an online expansion of an XtremIO cluster to include multiple X-Bricks?
a) Conducting the expansion in phases, one X-Brick at a time, to minimize the risk of data corruption.
b) All X-Bricks should be added simultaneously to expedite the expansion process.
c) Disconnecting the cluster from the network to prevent external access.
d) Pre-configuring additional storage volumes on the new X-Bricks before their integration.
02. Before proceeding with an online cluster expansion, what must be confirmed about the existing environment?
a) The XMS has a backup taken less than 24 hours prior.
b) All host I/O operations are suspended.
c) There is adequate power and cooling in the data center for the additional X-Brick(s).
d) The existing cluster has no unresolved alerts or performance issues.
03. In the context of scalability, how does XtremIO X2 differ from its predecessor?
a) XtremIO can scale out to more X-Bricks than X2.
b) X2 allows for both scale-out and scale-up configurations.
c) XtremIO supports only scale-up configurations.
d) X2 introduces a fixed architecture without scalability options.
04. When considering XMS support and deployment, what are important precautions?
a) Always deploy XMS on hardware that is identical to the XtremIO cluster nodes.
b) Ensure that the XMS version is compatible with the XtremIO cluster's firmware version.
c) XMS deployment on cloud platforms is recommended for disaster recovery scenarios.
d) Backup XMS regularly to an offsite location.
05. For Easy-CLI installation options, what capability is crucial for administrators?
a) The ability to perform bulk configurations across multiple clusters simultaneously.
b) Customizing the CLI prompts for each administrator.
c) Integrating with third-party configuration management tools like Ansible or Puppet.
d) Generating a configuration report before and after the installation.
06. Regarding XtremIO X2 configurations and port management, which statements are true?
(Choose two)
a) X2 offers dedicated 10Gb Ethernet ports for management.
b) Both XtremIO and X2 support Fibre Channel and iSCSI connections.
c) X2 introduced configurable port roles for improved flexibility.
d) XtremIO only supports Fibre Channel connections.
07. Which of the following statements accurately describes the hardware design differences between XtremIO and X2?
a) XtremIO uses traditional spinning disks, while X2 uses all-flash arrays.
b) Both XtremIO and X2 utilize exclusively NVMe SSDs for storage.
c) X2 offers a more compact and power-efficient design compared to XtremIO.
d) XtremIO and X2 both support external disk expansions through DAEs.
08. What are the necessary configurations for ESRS (EMC Secure Remote Services) on XtremIO and X2 systems?
a) Configuring ESRS on a dedicated VLAN for security.
b) Ensuring that ESRS has direct internet access without going through a web proxy.
c) Setting up ESRS to use the same IP addresses as the XMS for simplicity.
d) Establishing VPN tunnels from ESRS to Dell EMC for secure communication.
09. XtremApp installation is critical for which aspect of XtremIO and X2 configuration?
a) Enabling the XtremIO cluster to integrate with cloud-based storage solutions.
b) Facilitating the management of XMS and its associated services.
c) Installing third-party applications directly onto the storage controllers.
d) Providing an application-centric view of storage performance and utilization.
10. When handling InfiniBand FRU replacement, which of the following is crucial?
a) The system must be completely powered down before replacement.
b) Only replace InfiniBand switches during scheduled maintenance windows to avoid disrupting cluster communication.
c) InfiniBand cables should be labeled prior to disconnection to ensure correct reconnection.
d) InfiniBand FRU replacements do not require system notification or configuration adjustments.


Question: 01
Answer: a
Question: 02
Answer: c, d
Question: 03
Answer: b
Question: 04
Answer: b, d
Question: 05
Answer: a
Question: 06
Answer: a, c
Question: 07
Answer: c
Question: 08
Answer: a, d
Question: 09
Answer: d
Question: 10
Answer: b, c

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