GPEN Certification Cost

Passing score is similar to actual

I took GIAC GPEN simulated exam very lightly earlier because I thought that they were very easy. But after flunking the first mock test i took, my opinion changed and I became much more serious in my studies and took re-attempts wherever I was not passing. GIAC Penetration Tester certificate exam with 84%.

A better stepping stone to great career

I had earlier trained with the help of PDFs to appear for the GPEN certification exam. But frankly speaking, I failed at my very first attempt. I felt quite bad that my first step to my career failed along with me. I felt like a failure in all aspects. However, someone recommended to me. I was not at all ready and felt quite dejected but i put myself together and thought at least to take the demo test on the site. I made my mind then and there that this would be where my story would change and it changed indeed. Today, I cleared the GPEN examination with a good score of 89% and feel energetic and upbeat despite all that had happened with me in the past. I realized number of attempts did not matter, what matters is the right resource material.

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