Adobe Experience Manager Sites Architect Master (AD0-E117) Certification Sample Questions

Experience Manager Sites Architect Master Dumps, AD0-E117 Dumps, AD0-E117 PDF, Experience Manager Sites Architect Master VCE, Adobe AD0-E117 VCE, Adobe Experience Manager Sites Architect Master PDFThe purpose of this Sample Question Set is to provide you with information about the Adobe Experience Manager Sites Architect Master exam. These sample questions will make you very familiar with both the type and the difficulty level of the questions on the AD0-E117 certification test. To get familiar with real exam environment, we suggest you try our Sample Adobe Experience Manager Sites Architect Master Certification Practice Exam. This sample practice exam gives you the feeling of reality and is a clue to the questions asked in the actual Adobe Experience Manager Sites Architect Master certification exam.

These sample questions are simple and basic questions that represent likeness to the real Adobe AD0-E117 exam questions. To assess your readiness and performance with real time scenario based questions, we suggest you prepare with our Premium Adobe Experience Manager Sites Architect Master Certification Practice Exam. When you solve real time scenario based questions practically, you come across many difficulties that give you an opportunity to improve.

Adobe AD0-E117 Sample Questions:

01. Performance testing of an AEM website showed slow response times for HTML requests to static content pages. Which configuration should an Architect confirm first?
a) JVM memory of the AEM instance is sized sufficiently
b) Dispatcher caching is enabled for the request URLs
c) Image requests are excluded from performance test
d) All OSGi bundles are in active state
02. An online university produces, reuses, and teaches multiple courses every semester.
- Each course consists of multiple pages, some of which are common among each other.
- Each course could be changed but each version already in use must be archived as is.
Which primary AEM feature or tool should the AEM Architect recommend to handle these requirements?
a) Experience Fragments
b) Content Fragments
c) Editable Templates with initial content
d) Multi-Site Manager
03. Users report cases where data inaccuracies are present in an AEM component that relies on AEM Search functionality. The AEM platform utilizes Lucene as its main search engine. How should an Architect resolve this issue?
a) Scale up server resources to meet demands
b) Change the search engine to Property Search
c) Migrate search engine to an external Solr instance
d) Add search indexes to Lucene search engine
04. A customer needs a new AEM site architecture to be built. The customer has a global operating business with business units distributed around the globe in different regions and decides to use Adobe Managed Services. The client is running an on-premise setup and does not want to migrate to a cloud service.
For legal reasons, no content is to be shared between the regions. The editors must be able to work around the globe in their time zones without being affected by any maintenance or deployments.
What should an Architect use to set up the AEM site architecture for the client?
a) An author content sharding setup regionally distributed
b) An author active active cluster spread across multiple availability zones
c) An author cold standby cluster using sling distribution
d) An author mongo DB cluster using horizontal scaling and regional distribution
05. An existing AEM sites platform will receive the latest service pack. The service pack includes functional and non-functional fixes such as security patches.
Which action should the Architect take to make sure the update is successful?
a) Identify the packages affected by the service pack after installing them into production and monitor them.
b) Install the service pack in staging and ensure that all the bundles are up and running, then deploy to production.
c) Do a full staging of the service pack including a regression test, if passed, deploy to production.
d) Advise the customer to request Adobe to install the fixes directly on production since they are prechecked.
06. A site hosted on AEM needs to integrate a new third-party recommendation REST service that provides the user with additional guidance for a central use case based on the user's browsing behavior.
The site currently complies with an SLA of 99.5% uptime. The recommendation service also offers the same 99.5% uptime according to its SLAs.
Which integration approach should an Architect take to meet these requirements and maintain the existing uptime?
a) Implement a fallback in case the recommendation service is unavailable
b) Add retries with exponential backoff and fail after 1 minute
c) Retrieve and store potential recommendations in JCR nightly and use this data
d) Improve the AEM production setup to comply with 99.9% uptime
07. During the implementation of a public-facing website based on AEM as a Cloud Service, the customer raises an additional requirement to have a commenting functionality for end users implemented on the pages.
What should the Architect do to make the design a future proof solution?
a) Save comments in JCR and leverage reverse replication to synchronize comments via author
b) Integrate a third-party solution to store comments externally
c) Save comments in JCR and leverage Sling Distribution to synchronize comments between publishers
d) Use MongoDB as provided with AEM as a Cloud Service to store the comments
08. An Architect is performing infrastructure and capacity planning for Author servers for a customer using AEM 6.5. Which two factors would lead the Architect to pick a multi-author instance architecture setup?
(Choose two.)
a) Number of Parallel Authors
b) Website Traffic handled by servers
c) Fail safeness of the servers
d) Types of actions performed by Authors
e) Cache Efficiency on the dispatcher
09. A client is preparing to launch its new website on AEM. The Architect must check the platform prior to launch to identify system weaknesses and ways to exploit the applications.
Which two types of testing should the Architect perform on the system?
(Choose two.)
a) Load Testing
b) Penetration Testing
c) Regression Testing
d) Unit Testing
e) Functional Testing
10. An existing AEM customer is planning a complete overhaul of their current websites. The data set is large. The customer wants to reduce dependency on the development team as much as possible to operate the website.
Which approach should the Architect choose to implement the websites?
a) Use Editable Templates and leverage core components
b) Develop custom components and Style Systems on Static templates
c) Create Programmatic Templates so that multiple pages can be implemented executing code
d) Implement variations of static templates with configurable styles and design elements


Question: 01
Answer: b
Question: 02
Answer: d
Question: 03
Answer: b
Question: 04
Answer: a
Question: 05
Answer: c
Question: 06
Answer: a
Question: 07
Answer: b
Question: 08
Answer: a, d
Question: 09
Answer: a, b
Question: 10
Answer: a

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