Use this quick start guide to collect all the information about Adobe Commerce Developer Professional (AD0-E717) Certification exam. This study guide provides a list of objectives and resources that will help you prepare for items on the AD0-E717 Adobe Commerce Developer Professional exam. The Sample Questions will help you identify the type and difficulty level of the questions and the Practice Exams will make you familiar with the format and environment of an exam. You should refer this guide carefully before attempting your actual Adobe Commerce Developer Professional certification exam.
The Adobe Commerce Developer Professional certification is mainly targeted to those candidates who want to build their career in Commerce domain. The Adobe Commerce Developer Professional exam verifies that the candidate possesses the fundamental knowledge and proven skills in the area of Adobe Commerce Developer Professional.
Adobe Commerce Developer Professional Exam Summary:
Exam Name | Adobe Commerce Developer Professional |
Exam Code | AD0-E717 |
Exam Price | $125 (USD) |
Duration | 154 mins |
Number of Questions | 77 |
Passing Score | 50/77 |
Books / Training |
COM-ALL100 Adobe Commerce Foundations COM-D201 Adobe Commerce for Developers - Professional Adobe Commerce Developer Professional Prep Guide |
Schedule Exam | Adobe |
Sample Questions | Adobe Commerce Developer Professional Sample Questions |
Practice Exam | Adobe AD0-E717 Certification Practice Exam |
Adobe AD0-E717 Exam Syllabus Topics:
Topic | Details | Weights |
Working with Admin |
- Describe how the ACL works with roles and resources - Identify the components to use when creating or modifying the admin grid/form - Identify the files to use when creating a store/admin config and menu items |
5% |
Architecture |
- Describe Magento file structure - Describe Magento CLI commands - Describe cron functionality - Given a scenario, describe usage of the di.xml - Given a scenario, create controllers - Describe module structure - Describe index functionality - Describe localization - Describe plugin, preference, event observers, and interceptors - Describe custom module routes - Describe URL rewrites - Describe the Magento caching system - Describe stores, websites, and store views (basic understanding) |
29% |
EAV/database |
- Given a scenario, change/add/remove attribute sets and/or attributes - Describe different types of attributes - Given a scenario, use a DB schema to alter a database table - Describe models, resource models, and collections - Describe basics of Entity Attribute Value (EAV) |
13% |
Layout/UI |
- Apply changes to existing product types and create new ones - Modify and extend existing Catalog entities - Demonstrate the ability to manage Indexes and customize price output - Explain how multi-source inventory impacts stock (program level) |
15% |
Checkout and sales |
- Describe cart components - Describe a cart promo rule - Given a scenario, describe basic checkout modifications - Given a scenario, describe basic usage of quote data - Given a scenario, configure the payment and shipping methods - Given a scenario, configure tax rules, currencies, cart, and/or checkout |
8% |
Catalog |
- Identify the basics of category management and products management - Describe product types - Describe price rules - Describe price types |
8% |
Adobe Commerce Cloud architecture |
- Define Adobe Commerce architecture/environment workflow - Describe cloud project files, permission, and structure - List services available on Adobe Commerce on Cloud - Describe how to access different types of logs - Describe steps for applying patches (Identify which folder to put patches in) - Describe how to Maintain and upgrade ECE tools - Identify when to call support *Yaml files and limitations (DIY vs Support tickets) |
12% |
Setup/Configuring Adobe Commerce Cloud |
- Identify how to setup/configure Adobe Commerce Cloud - Define Basic Cloud troubleshooting (Hierarchy of web UI and variables, configurations precedence) - Recognize basic knowledge of cloud user management and onboarding UI - Describe environment Management using UI - Describe branching using UI - Identify Adobe Commerce Cloud Plan capabilities |
4% |
Commerce Cloud CLI tool (Managing part) |
- Describe exclusive features of Adobe Commerce Cloud CLI tool (CLI exclusive features: activate emails, rebase environments, snapshot, db dump, local environment setup) - Describe branching using the Adobe Commerce Cloud CLI tool - Identify ways to connect to cloud services? (My SQL, Redis, tunnel:info) |
6% |
To ensure success in Adobe Commerce Developer Professional certification exam, we recommend authorized training course, practice test and hands-on experience to prepare for Adobe Commerce Developer Professional (AD0-E717) exam.