Use this quick start guide to collect all the information about Adobe Campaign Classic Business Practitioner Professional (AD0-E329) Certification exam. This study guide provides a list of objectives and resources that will help you prepare for items on the AD0-E329 Adobe Campaign Classic Business Practitioner Professional exam. The Sample Questions will help you identify the type and difficulty level of the questions and the Practice Exams will make you familiar with the format and environment of an exam. You should refer this guide carefully before attempting your actual Adobe Campaign Classic Business Practitioner Professional certification exam.
The Adobe Campaign Classic Business Practitioner Professional certification is mainly targeted to those candidates who want to build their career in Campaign Classic domain. The Adobe Campaign Classic Business Practitioner Professional exam verifies that the candidate possesses the fundamental knowledge and proven skills in the area of Adobe Campaign Classic Business Practitioner Professional.
Adobe Campaign Classic Business Practitioner Professional Exam Summary:
Exam Name | Adobe Campaign Classic Business Practitioner Professional |
Exam Code | AD0-E329 |
Exam Price | $125 (USD) |
Duration | 100 mins |
Number of Questions | 50 |
Passing Score | 32/50 |
Schedule Exam | Adobe |
Sample Questions | Adobe Campaign Classic Business Practitioner Professional Sample Questions |
Practice Exam | Adobe AD0-E329 Certification Practice Exam |
Adobe AD0-E329 Exam Syllabus Topics:
Topic | Details | Weights |
Build a Campaign |
- Recognize the different Digital Marketing concepts and objectives - Identify and define key tool features and structure, in relation to the interface - Determine the appropriate delivery template with subdomain to use given Business Requirements - Identify the appropriate delivery preparation or personalization requirements given Business Requirements - Determine the correct target audience among profiles and analyze the results of the expected outcomes - Recommend and apply the correct campaign approval settings - Determine scheduling based on campaign requirements - Recognize where to locate delivery results or output - Differentiate between different error and warning types (delivery, campaign, and workflow level) |
29% |
Workflow management and platform capabilities |
- Given a scenario, determine which workflow activities should be selected - Differentiate between campaign and technical workflows - Given a scenario, determine which workflow solution is optimal for continuous, waits, recurring, aborts situations - Identify the new capabilities and features of Campaign V8 compared to previous versions |
16% |
Data operations |
- Determine how to modify columns within a view to test data/output - Describe the purposes of the union, intersection, exclusion, and split workflow targeting activities - Determine the appropriate method to reconcile data, generate a complement, deduplicate, and import data - Given a scenario, identify which data enrichment rule should be used - Given a scenario, determine how to segment an audience and store as a list and cells - Given a scenario, determine the best method to export data to destinations by configuring them |
20% |
Delivery configuration |
- Given a scenario, determine the correct delivery type - Given business requirements, determine how to create templates - Given business requirements, determine the correct delivery properties - Identify and apply OOTB personalization options available for a delivery (link to mirror page, greeting, un-sub link) - Given a scenario, determine the appropriate typology rule (control, filtering, pressure, capacity) - Identify the cause of a recipients’ exclusion of a delivery in the log and check delivery diagnostics - Indicate where/how to test delivery content and personalization - Differentiate among the various delivery states that occur during processing and apply actions |
28% |
Administration and reporting |
- Identify common OOTB reports and where to access them - Determine which OOTB report is needed based on reporting requirements - Identify the Descriptive Analysis functionality inside Adobe Campaign - Given a scenario, apply the right authorizations to limit/allow access to Campaign objects |
7% |
To ensure success in Adobe Campaign Classic Business Practitioner Professional certification exam, we recommend authorized training course, practice test and hands-on experience to prepare for Adobe Campaign Classic Business Practitioner Professional (AD0-E329) exam.