LPI LPIC-1 (101-500) Certification Sample Questions

LPIC-1 Dumps, 101-500 Dumps, 101-500 PDF, LPIC-1 VCE, LPI 101-500 VCEThe purpose of this Sample Question Set is to provide you with information about the LPI Linux Administrator - 101 exam. These sample questions will make you very familiar with both the type and the difficulty level of the questions on the 101-500 certification test. To get familiar with real exam environment, we suggest you try our Sample LPI LPIC-1 Certification Practice Exam. This sample practice exam gives you the feeling of reality and is a clue to the questions asked in the actual LPIC-1 Linux Administrator certification exam.

These sample questions are simple and basic questions that represent likeness to the real LPI 101-500 exam questions. To assess your readiness and performance with real time scenario based questions, we suggest you prepare with our Premium LPI LPIC-1 Certification Practice Exam. When you solve real time scenario based questions practically, you come across many difficulties that give you an opportunity to improve.

LPI 101-500 Sample Questions:

01. A faulty kernel module is causing issues with a network interface card. Which of the following actions ensures that this module is not loaded automatically when the system boots?
a) Using lsmod --remove --autoclean without specifying the name of a specific module
b) Using modinfo -k followed by the name of the offending module
c) Using modprobe -r followed by the name of the offending module
d) Adding a blacklist line including the name of the offending module to the file /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
e) Deleting the kernel module's directory from the file system and recompiling the kernel, including its modules
02. When considering the use of hard links, what are valid reasons not to use hard links?
a) When a hard linked file is changed, a copy of the file is created and consumes additional space
b) Hard links are specific to one filesystem and cannot point to files on another filesystem
c) If users other than root should be able to create hard links, suln has to be installed and configured
d) Each hard link has individual ownership, permissions and ACLs which can lead to unintended disclosure of file content
e) Hard links are not available on all Linux systems because traditional filesystems, such as ext4, do not support them
03. In compliance with the FHS, in which of the directories are man pages found?
a) /opt/man/
b) /usr/doc/
c) /usr/share/man/
d) /var/pkg/man
e) /var/man/
04. You need to update all the packages on a production system, and have already make the repository information current. Which of the following commands should you use?
a) sudo apt-get upgrade
b) sudo get-apt upgrade
c) sudo get-apt dist-update
d) sudo apt-get dist-update
e) sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
f) sudo get-apt dist-upgrade
05. The shutdown command allows you to shut down and power off the system and send a wall message to users. What other commands allow you to send wall messages to users?
a) systemctl isolate rescuse
b) poweroff
c) reboot
d) halt
e) wall
f) mesg
06. Which of the following commands kills the process with the PID 123 but allows the process to "clean up" before exiting?
a) kill -PIPE 123
b) kill -KILL 123
c) kill -STOP 123
d) kill -TERM 123
07. What does the command grub-install /dev/sda do?
a) GRUB creates partitions on the device/dev/sdato be used with Linux.
b) GRUB sets the default BIOS boot device to/dev/sda.
c) GRUB installs all required files and configures the boot loader on device/dev/sda.
d) GRUB recompiles the Linux Kernel and installs it on the Master Boot Record of device/dev/sda.
08. When redirecting the output of find to the xargs command, what option to find is useful if the filenames contain spaces?
a) -rep-space
b) -printnul
c) -nospace
d) -ignore-space
e) -print0
09. A Debian package creates several files during its installation. Which of the following commands searches for packages owning the file /etc/debian_version?
a) apt-get search /etc/debian_version
b) apt -r /etc/debian_version
c) find /etc/debian_version -dpkg
d) dpkg -S /etc/debian_version
e) apt-file /etc/debian_version
10. Immediately after deleting 3 lines of text in vi and moving the cursor to a different line, which single character command will insert the deleted content below the current line?
a) i (lowercase)
b) p (lowercase)
c) P (uppercase)
d) U (uppercase)
e) u (lowercase)


Question: 01
Answer: d
Question: 02
Answer: b
Question: 03
Answer: c
Question: 04
Answer: a
Question: 05
Answer: e
Question: 06
Answer: d
Question: 07
Answer: c
Question: 08
Answer: e
Question: 09
Answer: d
Question: 10
Answer: b

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